
Until all features are implemented, this section will gather existing features.

Entremets statements


You can open a transaction with the following syntax: transaction <tx_name> <tx_level> do....

  • tx_name: it can be used as a variable in the spec to check the transaction status

  • tx_level: for now only :code`read_committed` is supported


An expression can be one of:

  • An sql expression (see the dedicated section)

  • A binary operation (+, -, /, *, %, =, <>, <=, <, in, and, or, >, >=)

  • An assignment <var_name> := <expression>

  • A variable name

  • A literal integer or string

  • A set {...}

  • A tuple (...)

  • A member call, for now only on transactions <tx_name>.aborted or <tx_name>.committed


Latches allow processes to wait for each other. When a process encounters a latch, it wait all other processes to either be waiting for the latch or to have finished.


Execute the block only if the provided expression is true. If the expression is false, the optional else block provided in the else is executed instead.

if `update users set age := $t2_age * 2 where id = 1 and age = $t2_age` = 0 do

Temporal expressions

in properties you can check for the following temporal operators:

  • always: Checks if the expression provided is true for every state

  • never: opposite of always. Checks if the expression provided is false for every state

  • eventually: Checks the statement is true for every possible state path

Sql Expressions

  • Select: select <cols> from <table> where <cond> order_by <order_col> limit <limit> offset <offset> for update

  • Update: update <table> set <col> := <sql_expr> where <cond>

  • Delete: delete from <table> where <cond>

  • Insert: insert into <table>(<cols>) values <tuples>

  • Unique constraint: create unique index on <table>(<cols>)

  • Foreign keys: alter table <table> add constraint <name> foreign key(<cols>) references <foreign_table>(<cols>)

  • Binary operations (+, -, *, /, %, =, and, in, <>, <, <=, >, >=, between <lower> and <upper>)